Meet the game designers behind the Underground!
Arthur Franz

As a learning professional in instructional design since the year 2000, Arthur Franz IV approaches board game design as a fun and challenging hobby. A gamer for over 30 years, Art has a passion for coaching American football, playing cooperative board games, and reading/writing quality fiction. Since 2010, Art has built a small online community around flag football devoted to strategy and innovation. Art has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has previously published both literary short stories and strategy guides on flag football. As a founding member of Uplink Underground Games, Art aims to deliver innovative niche games that contribute to the hobby community.
Ben Jennings
Ben Jennings lives in Uptown New Orleans with his wife and kids. An avid gamer, Ben has been playing games since he was five. RPG’s are his forte’, with West End Games stellar D6 system being his all-time favorite system. His favorite board games include Dead of Winter by Plaid Hat Games, Pandemic by Z-Man Games, and Republic of Rome by Avalon Hill.
Mark Burlet
Mark may be the shortest member of the Underground, but he makes up for it with an impressive “creative stature.” Born and raised in New Orleans, he was introduced at a young age to the gaming world. He began with the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set back around 1981, and continued through multiple role-playing universes, as well as traditional tabletop board games. He seeks to contribute a story-telling quality to all Underground products, balanced with fun and inventive game mechanics. Some of his current favorites include Firefly from Gale Force Nine, XCom: TBG from Fantasy Flight Games, and The Red Dragon Inn from SlugFest Games.