Alright folks, we are approaching the finish line… or rather, time is running out and the finish line is way up there, in the distance, mocking us with its seeming unreachableness. However, whether we are able to sprint forward and break that metaphorical tape, or are left staring, forlorn, at the rear ends of so many successful Kickstarters before us, we are extremely grateful for the support you have shown us thus far. And either way, it is far from the finale for Breakaway Football!
We have learned a ton in the last 28 days, both about our game and our approach to funding, and plan to apply this knowledge to each in the future. These last couple days may be quite frantic or completely anti-climactic, but we feel the product will be much improved when (not “if”) it reaches you, dear readers. If that means re-launching this campaign next year, then so be it. The Uplink Underground is proud of this game, and look forward to making it properly for you all when the time is right.
So stay strong, friends of the revolution, as we make this final push toward that fateful day (noon on Friday, October 28th). We will continue to work to make this game, and all our endeavors, as entertaining as possible. And we hope that you will continue to come along for the ride…
Cheers, and thanks!
Mark (and Art and Ben)